hypertext+ IDE web edition 0.7 Longhorn (14.07.23): - polish language hypertext+ IDE web edition 0.6 Whistler (12.07.23): - updated logo - made the title box fill the whitespace between input and output boxes completely - completely rebranded hypertext+ IDE multiplatform edition (web build) 0.5 nova (02.07.23): - added more stuff to about menu - created a logo - completely rebranded Hypertext IDE Web 0.4 Cascadia (18.09.2022): - Improved alignment. - The Title box is now an input box, which doesn't allow for new lines any longer. Web Build v.0.3b (03/08/2021): - Better styling - About box is complete Web Build v0.2b (13/07/2021): - Styling - About box prototype